Telegram группа о создании всех видов анаморфотных объективов
на основе проекторных насадок.  В группе много опытных, знающих тему людей, которые всегда дадут дельный совет.

Это единственное место, где вы сможете получить грамотный совет, как собрать свой объектив.

You can order any non-standard solutions such as clamps and supports for any size. Not all created solutions are presented on the site. Therefore, feel free to contact me for solving non-standard tasks.





Anamorphic technology, introduced into cinematography in the middle of the 20th century, as a compromise between high-quality viewers' perception of films and rational use of the resources of film studios, is rapidly developing today! Despite the incredible technological progress, in modern cinema, more and more people are turning to "Hypergonar". So what's the deal? Fashion? The action of the unknown СinemaGod? Or is it science? In our film, we did some research ...